
 Week 3 reading was taken up a good bit of time between reading and doing the research that related to my topic. My topic is Game streaming and I am looking into 'why are some games more popular to stream than others?'. 

I went back over my matrix to help me and back over my research from the previous weeks. In my matrix, I had linked some books that I found useful on my topic.

 For example, 'Make money gaming: How to earn money from live streaming' By Noob Flanagan. When I  found this book I couldn't get access to it so next week I plan to make a trip to the college library. 

Another book I found and want to look into more is 'Watch me play: Twitch and the rise of game live streaming' by T.L Taylor. This book I do have access to and I got to have a brief read-through.

personally, I find it better to just google information rather than hunt down books and read pages upon pages. I prefer to get my research through websites where it's easier to read because the information isn't as much and it's more clear with headings etc. 


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