For this week we were introduced to coding a document. We had to come up with 5 themes to divide out our piece. There was a reading part and a video attached showing us how to do it. I was confused and struggled with it as I read through the topic. As I watched the video it became easier for me to grasp as it gave examples and visuals to help. Me, I am a very visual person and I work best when I can see samples in front of me and just visual elements in general.
After watching through the 14minute long video on how to code a document and create themes for our resources it became a lot clearer. Watching through it, it gave me ideas that I kept note of while going through the video.
Google scholar is a big help. I try to use it most of the time as it gives me information on my topic and with this info, I can further add to what I have already gathered on my topic.
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